The King and Overlord of the Gonja Kingdom and President of the Savannah Region House of Chiefs, HRM Yagbonwura Bii-Kunuto Jewu Soale “I” has disassociated himself from the enskinment of a new chief of Kporto community.
According to Alhaji Abdulai Issah Bakari who is one of the spokespersons to the Yagbonwura, chief of singbin, Tuluwewura Iddi Kelley Prugi B’dong “I” enskinned the Kporto Chief at the blind side of the Overlord, Yagbonwura Bii-Kunuto Jewu Soale “I”.
Alhaji Issah’s statement came on the back of a flyer being shared on social media inviting the general public to the coronation of the new Kporto chief with the image of Yagbonwura Bii-Kunuto Jewu Soale I on the flyer.
According the statement by Alhaji Issah, the Yagbonwura has directed that his image be removed from the said flyer with immediate effect and cautioned the general public to desist from writing in Yagbonwura’s name or posting any picture of Yagbonwura when in actual sense he does not know anything about it.
Read the full statement from Alhaji Issah Bakari below.
Good evening family and friends
It has become necessary that I alhaji Issah from Yagbonwura Bii-Kunuto Jewu Soale I Palace bring to the notice of Gonjalands and beyond that Jira Yagbonwura is not aware of the enskiment of any chief in Kporto by the King and Overlord of SINGBIN (Tuluwe Wura). The Palace consider the use of Jira Yagbonwura’s picture as an insubordination. The Palace will therefore be very happy if Jira’s picture could be removed from the poster without delay.
The Palace is also discouraging all to desist from writing in Yagbonwura’s name or posting any picture of Yagbonwura when in actual sense he does not know anything about it.
Thank you
By Alhaji Abdulai Issah Bakari