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Sunday, June 23, 2024

The All Regional Games: A Platform for Unity and Development – Asamoah Gyan

By Zakaria Abubakari (Olu Jakpa) – May 4th, 2024

The All Regional Games organizing team, led by renowned footballer Asamoah Gyan, visited the Savannah Region on Friday, May 3rd, 2024, to raise awareness about the upcoming games. This initiative aims to bring together athletes from all 16 regions of Ghana to compete in various disciplines, including soccer, athletics, arm wrestling, basketball, volleyball, para games, boxing, tennis, and table tennis.

According to Chief Franklin, the coordinator of the All Regional Games, “The key highlights of the event are inclusivity and participation. The age category for participants is 18 years and above, with a specific age range of 18 to 23 years for soccer.” By setting these criteria, the organizers aim to provide young talents with the opportunity to showcase their skills and potentially pave the way for a professional career in sports.

To make the registration process convenient, participants can register online through the official website of the All Regional Games. After registration, they will receive notifications via text message, keeping them updated on important information and schedules.

The Savannah Region, known for its abundance of talented athletes, stands to benefit greatly from this event. Not only will it provide a platform for local athletes to showcase their abilities, but it will also attract attention and potential investment in sports infrastructure within the region. In fact, any region that emerges victorious in a particular discipline will have a facility for that sport constructed in their region, further promoting sports development across the country.

Asamoah Gyan stated in an interview with Spear FM sports presenter Olu Jakpa that the All Regional Games will also feature entertainment from popular musicians such as Windy Shay and Stone Bwoy, who have bought into the idea of the games. Their performances will not only entertain the supporters but also add a vibrant atmosphere to the event.

Furthermore, the organizers have taken a commendable step by involving local producers to create costumes for the athletes representing the Savannah Region. This not only supports local businesses but also adds a unique touch to the competition, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Another noteworthy aspect of the event is the involvement of local coaches residing in the Savannah Region. These coaches will lead the team to the main event happening in Accra later in November. This not only provides an opportunity for local talent to gain exposure but also fosters a sense of pride and ownership among the community.

Lastly, it is worth mentioning that the organizers have put in place an insurance policy for athletes who may sustain injuries during the competition. This demonstrates their commitment to the well-being and safety of the participants, ensuring that they can compete with peace of mind.

In conclusion, the All Regional Games serve as a platform for unity, development, and talent discovery. By bringing together athletes from all regions of Ghana, this event promotes inclusivity, showcases the diverse sporting talents of Ghana, and encourages investment in sports infrastructure. With the support of local coaches, producers, and musicians, the event promises to be a celebration of both sports and culture. The games will be officially launched on June 15, 2024, at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium in Kumasi. Let us embrace this opportunity to unite as a nation and celebrate the power of sports in fostering growth and harmony.

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