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Sunday, June 23, 2024

S/R: COVID-19 Vaccination, 72% of Citizens of Savannah Vaccinated

The Savannah Regional Health Directorate has held a one-day stakeholder engagement on COVID-19 response strategies in the Savannah region

The engagement was held yesterday 23rd May 2024 at the West Gonja Health Directorate conference hall.

Speaking to Spear FM after the meeting, Dr Micheal Biredu who is the Savannah Regional Deputy Director in charge of public health said about 72% of the people of the Savannah Region have received the COVID-19 vaccination which means there is still a lot of work to be done.

According to Dr Biredu, there are still some myths and misconceptions about the COVID-19 vaccines that some people believe due to the polarization of false messages about the vaccines on social media by anti-cOVID-19 vaccine campaigners.

Dr Biredu said this has been one of the main reasons why some people feel reluctant to get vaccinated.

Dr. Biredu said the Savannah Regional Health Directorate is intensifying public education on COVID-19 and the need to get vaccinated since the disease still exists and one of the efforts being put in place to get the public educated about COVID-19 is the engagement with stakeholders.

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