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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Prof. Ahmed Nuhu Zakaria Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

The Chief Executive Officer of the National Ambulance Service, Professor Ahmed Nuhu Zakariah, received a Lifetime Achievement in Medical Assistance and Emergency Services award.

At the just ended  African Public Service Optimum award Ceremony held in Accra on the 5th June,2024, to award Outstanding African leaders in the Public Service, the venerable Professor Ahmed Zakariah, was acknowledged as one of the outstanding Public Servants in Africa in recognition of his exemplary performance as a Public Servant whose excellent contributions to the practice of good corporate governance in his organisation, has led to the building of a robust Emergency service system for Ghana.

As CEO for the National Ambulance Service, his leadership prowess has led the Service to grow from a staff strength of sixty nine to over three thousand personnel, who are contributing significantly towards quality emergency health service delivery in Ghana.

Also, from seven district offices at the inception of the National Ambulance Service, the institution now has almost 300 stations with all 275 constituencies in Ghana, having established operational offices.

Receiving the award, Prof Zakariah expressed his appreciation to the African Public Service Optimum Award organisers for recognizing his humble and modest contribution to the development of Emergency Health Services in Ghana and the African continent, and dedicated the award to all the staff of the National Ambulance Service for their continuous support.

The elated medical professor and Chief Executive Officer in a short speech said, ” This award is for Ghana, and together, we shall build a robust system for the whole of  Africa”

The Business Executive Magazine, organisers for the award ceremony led by it’s Group Chief Executive, Baroness Paulette Kporo, indicated that their award scheme has become the most highly revered and respected grouping of Public Servants and their  private sector partners on the African continent.

She admonished all awardees to continue to contribute their bid with integrity to the growth and development of Africa.

*About Prof Ahmed Nuhu Zakariah*

Prof. Ahmed Nuhu Zakariah is a trained specialist in Intensive Care Medicine, cardiac, thoracic, and vascular Anaesthesia.

He is a seasoned instructor in both Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support of international repute.

He holds various qualifications both in Ghana and other European and American countries.
Such qualifications include International Visiting Professorship to the University College of Medicine, Cincinnati,Ohio, USA.
Fellowship of the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons (FGCS).
Advanced Life Support
Instructor Certificate from the USA and Executive Master’s in Business Administration (MBA)
GIMPA in Accra, Ghana.

Other qualifications are Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Biomedical Sciences and
master’s in pharmacology and pharmaceutical medicine from Belgium.
The rest are Medical Doctor (MD)
degree and a diploma in French from Cuba

Prior to becoming the CEO  of the National Ambulance Service, Prof Ahmed N. Zakariah was the
Regional Medical Coordinator for the National Ambulance Service for the Greater Accra Region in 2005.
He served as a Specialist (Consultant) in Intensive Care Medicine at the Ridge Hospital, Accra, under the Ghana Health Service.
He was a Research Fellow in Biomedical Sciences in Free University of Brussels in Belgium.

Prof. Ahmed N. Zakariah is involved in various training programs in Ghana, such as being a lecturer at the
Critical Care Nurses Training Program at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.

Lecturer at the School of
Anaesthesia at the Ridge Hospital, and also a lecturer at the Physician Assistant Training Program at the Central University College,Accra.

Prof Ahmed N. Zakariah is involved in various training programs in Ghan,  such as being a lecturer at the
Critical Care Nurses Trainng Program at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Lecturer at the School of
Anaesthesia at the Ridge Hospital, and also a lecturer at the Physician Assistant Trainíng Program at the Central University College, Accra.

Prof Zakariah has various research publications to his credit.
These include:
“Combination of Biphasic Transmittatce Waveform with Blood Procalcitonin Levels for Diagnosis of Sepsis in Acutely Ill Patients”   This article was accepted and Published in the Prestigious Journal of Critical Care Medicine (Critical Care Medicine: May 2008 – Volume 36 – Issue 5 – pp 1507-1512)

“Combinntion of Biphasic Iransmittance Waveform (BPW) with Procalciton (PCT) to improve sensitivity
and specificity of the diagnosis of sepsis at admission to intensive care unit: “This work was accepted and
presented as a P’oster at the 10th International Conference of Intensive Care Mediine of the European
Resuscitation Council held in Berlin, Gemany in 2004.

“Diagnostic and prognostic values of Biphasic Transmittance Waveform (slope _1)  of Ativated Partial
Thromboplastin Time Coagulation Assay for identification of sepss in Intensive Care Unit patients”
This research was accepted and presented as a poster at the l00th Internatonal Conterence of the American
Thoracic Society held in San Diego, California. USA n 2005.

Prof. Zakariah holds memberships of international organizations such as;
the membership of the European Resuscitation Council in 2003,

Member of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine in 2004,

Member of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care in 2004, and
Member of the American Thoracic Society in 2005.

He speaks languages such as English,French, and Spanish.

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