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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Busunu Traditional Council gets a Registrar

In a brief but well attended ceremony held at the Palace of Busunuwura Monasa Jonokpawo (II) in Busunu, the new Registrar of the Busunu Traditional Council, Mr. Iddrisu Adam Afuli, was officially introduced to the President of the Council, Busunuwura, on May 30th, 2024.

Mr. Afuli assumed duty effectively bringing a wealth of experience to the new role assigned him.

Mr. Abutu Kapori, the Registrar of the Savannah Region House of Chiefs, introduced Mr. Afuli to Busunuwura, praising his extensive background in chieftaincy affairs having worked with him for almost a decade.

Busunuwura Monasa Jonokpawo (II) expressed gratitude to the Registrar of the House for finally posting a registrar to the Busunu Traditional Council and promised effective collaboration with Mr. Afuli the new Registrar.

With nearly a decade of experience in the Chieftaincy Ministry, Mr. Afuli has risen through the ranks, serving as an Assistant Traditional Council Registrar since 2014, a Traditional Council Registrar, Senior Traditional Council Registrar and later becoming an Assistant Regional Registrar.

He will now oversee the day-to-day management of the Busunu Traditional Council, in addition to his existing responsibilities at the Savannah Region House of Chiefs.

Busunuwura on behalf of the chiefs and people of Busunu highlighted the Council’s luck in securing an experienced registrar like Mr. Afuli, who will undoubtedly bring valuable expertise to the role.

It would be recalled that, the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs under the instructions of the Minister engaged former acting Chief Director, Kananpewurche Lily Fati Soale who to elevate the Busunu Traditional Area to a status of a traditional council on 28th January, 2023. Other Traditional Councils which were inaugurated during the same period were Bole, Wasipe and Buipe respectively.

Currently, the Savannah Region House of Chiefs has a total of six Traditional Councils.

SOURCE: Savannah Region House of Chiefs.

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